snow and frost

I enjoyed the last bits of winter as much as I could, and for most of January, there are almost only nature photos in my camera roll.

This walk, for example, was magical. The photos don't do it justice.

The day after it had snowed a little.

More hoar frost. :) But it's so pretty though!

Walking from work on nights like this, when everything is quiet and the snow makes it even quieter - such a lovely part of my everyday life.

And then there was finally enough snow on the ground to go skiing!!! And skiing I went, it was Thursday and I had the whole golf course almost to myself. What a dream.

Then I went into town for fika and catch up with Johan. (Of course he has a hoodie that says "Listening is everything". <3)

Two days later there was EVEN more snow, enough that I could ...

... put my skis on right outside my door. THE LUXURY.

I even asked this gentleman to come out in the cold with me to document it. He complied. :)

I skied up to the golf course the same way I would usually walk, past the stables ...

... up the hill ...

... and out across hole 5.

Lots more people out now as it was Saturday - almost crowded :) Gosh, skiing makes me so happy, and it makes me so mad that now that I've found a form of exercise that I love, I can't do it very often. (Maybe that's what keeps it interesting though.)

Jonathan plays through the organ part of Pärt's Beautitudes while Anna listens, lost in the music, in the church where we practise with my vocal ensemble. What a joy Wednesday nights have become. (Our first concert will be April 21st!)

Then it was Scandinavian Shuffle! It's a balboa weekender here in Gothenburg and the whole weekend was such a success. I was the official photographer, so I'll post some favourites soon. Until then, here's Miranda on our coach with my monster <3

And here's a snapshot of a balboa/ folk dance taster that had the best energy and the most smiles I've seen in a class in a long time.

Between all the dancing, Miranda and I had time to take a walk in the forest as well. It's so nice when people come to stay who loves the forest as much as I do; it helps me not take it, and how close it is, for granted.

And then, at the end of January, another walk from work. All the snow is gone and I don't think we'll get any more this year. Ah, well!

Taylor Swift feat. Bon Iver | exile

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