lake, sea and burgers

Liam was here over the bank holiday weekend! I don't understand what bank holidays are for, but if it means Liam can stay longer, I'm all for them.

We went to have fika with my parents (they'd never met Liam before which feels unbelievable given how important he is to me - I blame the whole separate countries thing). Everyone was on their best behaviour. :)

Then we went for a walk to the nearest lake, where I would always go for a swim growing up. And Liam jumped in with me!!! Turns out he doesn't dislike swimming at all, it just has to be at a decent temperature, which obviously isn't achievable in the UK at all ever. This was a very comfortable 19°C. I loved it so much.

In the evening I took him to my favourite burger place.

Because lemonade and burgers.

And the day after we went to the sea!

It was windy

and I loved it.

I take so much joy from getting to show Liam all the places that are important to me. And landscapes, too; they don't really have this kind of landscape, which I sometimes feel is what my entire childhood consists of. I would have loved to take him to the cottage, but it's a bit too far to drive for just one day. Next summer though.

Other than this, we went dancing (such a joy to watch Liam dancing with my friends), snuggled, watched films (I introduced the very important Swedish film Fucking Åmål) and ate our body weights in Dumle (Liam's new favourite and one of the many ways in which I try to convince him of Sweden's general awesomeness). It was the perfect weekend.

Saying goodbye was a lot harder this time. It gets harder every time. I cried on and off for a whole day before he left ... And I know why long distance keeps getting harder and harder, rather than easier. It's because we keep falling more and more in love with each other. All I could think was: This is so good, how could I not want this? Why would I choose everyday life without Liam, when there's everyday life with Liam?

Soon. Just a few months now.

Olivia Chaney | the Dark Eyed Sailor

impro & frozen daiquiris

Sedan jag kom hem från England har jag i stort sett gjort två saker: Försökt få ordning på terminsstarten med all den administration och planering som det innebär, samt försökt se så mycket av mina finaste personer som jag bara har kunnat. Jag började dagen efter jag kom hem, med en fredagskväll hos Carro.

Detta är ett oerhört fint gäng människor och jag önskar att alla hade det så bra som jag har det ifråga om inspiration, klokskap, stöttning och allmän rimlighet i kompiskretsen. <3

Dagen efter spelade Anna impro med Primalimpro på 2Lång. Det var prima.

Jag var där med Karin, Tove och Elam, som också var nöjda.

Efter föreställningen var det alldeles för varmt och kvavt för att stanna och titta på mer saker (det var under Kulturkalaset, så det hände lite allt möjligt den kvällen). Istället begav vi oss ut i småregnet på jakt efter cocktails.

Vilket vi hittade i form av en kanna frozen daiquiris på Street Life.

Det var så hiiimla gott.

Och ett par dagar senare tillbringade jag dagen med de här två gullgrisarna.

Det är så grymt att umgås med Gabriel. Han är liksom så himla rolig och jag känner igen mig så mycket i honom. T.ex.:
- Kan ej äta om det är för mycket/ något nytt som händer i rummet, för då blir man distraherad och måste kolla på det
- Frukt är det godaste och all mat till alla mål borde egentligen vara frukt hela tiden
- Ibland har man intensiva och viktiga känslor som spiller över när man minst anar det, utan att man nödvändigtvis har ord för dem.

Solange | Cranes in the Sky

the wonderful cat foley

I did a photo shoot with Cat Foley in Liverpool!

She is an amazing dancer, teacher and human, and spending time with her is sheer joy. And her love of dancing is so contagious, I can't not be inspired as a photographer. These are some of my favourites from our session:

People, y'all need to book her for all the events, she's the best.

More dance photography here.

last bits of my uk summer

I'm back home in Sweden now and with the cooler air and rain we've had lately I'm imagining that autumn, my favourite season, is already starting ... But before all that, here are some snaps of my last three weeks in the UK. In short: they were magical.

I took this photo at a wedding we went to because I like letters and I like lights and I like big letters with lights in them. But, excuse the cliché, it's also quite a good photo to symbolise those three last weeks of summer. Once I got through the overload and fatigue and muchness of the start of the summer, everything fell into place and I started truly loving spending time in the North. Also I found myself even more in love with Liam - just overflowing and giddy with bubbles, every day. I don't hate that feeling. :)

So yeah, we went to a wedding! Liam's going for "classy and charming" while I'm all like "OMG English wedding such much UK culture everywhere and people wear weird clothes and everything's so WEIRD AND INTERESTING!!!"

Also look at all the grey in my hair! For someone who's always loved dying their hair (and been through hours and hours of SEVERE SCALP PAIN for it ...), having it turn silver FOR FREE is pretty perfect, I gotta say.

Board game Sunday! We invited a bunch of friends over and played board games for ... like nine hours. It was pretty perfect and I only cried once (so many games that I'm normally very good at in Swedish, are impossible for me to play in English, because of language knowledge. And then I cry a little bit because I feel like I suck at life, and when I'm done crying it passes and I'm having fun again).

All the lovely people!

Date night! I didn't even know what a date night was before starting this relationship (since we don't really have a dating culture in Sweden), but it's apparently just like in films: good food + cocktails + kisses. I'm on board with that.

Also, Liverpool is really pretty.

Bibimbap (very mild version for me please thanks) ...

and Clover Club. Can't have too many of these. Well, to be fair, I've actually never tried how many I can have ... But I'm looking forward to making that happen.

Georgie's birthday party happened, yay! I didn't take any photos other than this one, I was busy Englishing the whole evening. But I asked Georgie to take one of me and Liam ...

... thanks Jess. :)

One afternoon I spent wandering around the Liverpool Cathedral.

It's immense and beautiful and I really liked it. Haven't been up to see the tower yet, but dating a former bell ringer as I am, it seems likely that that might happen at some point. :)

Abdullah Ibrahim | Water from an Ancient Well