walking in edinburgh pt 2

After I had been to the National Museum of Scotland, I walked a couple of blocks to beautiful Greyfriars Kirkyard to ... well, to continue to walk around and look at things and take pictures, you know.

And then I just continued walking. :)

They're good at this "really old-looking building against an ominous sky" scene, aren't they? :)

I saw a really good street musician! As in, I had to stay and listen, and I really loved what I heard. His guitar playing and singing was amazing. Unfortunately, the recordings are not as fantastic. Still good, though.

And I passed a Christmas store! All Christmas, every day, all year round! When I passed by it was closed. Which probably was just as good - for my wallet. :)

And then after a long walk and a long day, I went back to Abbeyhill Colonies to get ready for a night of dancing, because The Spoonful started on Thursday night. More on that in another post! :)

Daniel Doherty | Garden in the Snow

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