hullzapoppin' 2018 part II

Sunday morning at Hullzapoppin', and brunch at the docks. And by morning, I mean 2 in the afternoon. :)

And then we went for a walk.

And did some balboa dancing on the pier, just because we can. After that, we went home for a nap, because if I don't, I don't survive dance weekenders like this one (and I'll never say "because I'm getting old" - I've been tired in the evenings for as long as I can remember).

Pub crawl time!

It was a very tiny pub crawl; we were late (we're always late) and only made it to the last two pubs on the list - who cares, it was my first ever pub crawl, so I'm going to count it anyway. :) (Should never have told Liam I've never really done pub crawls before. I have a feeling I will be very drunk at several different pubs somewhere in England very soon because of this.) Isn't this pub cute, by the way? I'm liking British pubs a lot.

And then, dancing!

Around midnight we walked to the after party

and danced to soul music for a few more hours. I was delighted; this is where I started, as a young teenager at music festivals around Sweden, dancing to soul music all night, and after turning 18, going to soul clubs. And then, singing in the soul band at uni - while majoring in classical singing, mind you - slowly making the music mine in my voice and not just in my body. And now - this strange feeling of how did I get here - a dance floor somewhere in the UK, at the last night of a lindy festival; the same songs, the same me, but even happier.

Cat <3

All in all, it was a lovely party to end a fantastic weekend, and I'm so glad I was there.

Nina Simone | To Love Somebody

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