berlin blues explosion 2017: sunday

On Sunday, I got up after two and a half hours of sleep (running on the joy of dancing) to go to Catherine's class, but dancing and focusing on being awake took all my attention, so I didn't manage to get any photos. :) After that, we had Gas & Alba again - fabulous and challenging.

Then we had a long break, and the sun was finally shining after several days of grey skies. When Mio and I got outside, the square had turned into a food court! Which was quite perfect. I ate a thing with cheese and tomato in it, which smelled really good ...

... and then we had crêpes with nutella and banana, because why not. :)

And then we went for a walk, talking about dancing and other life things and more dancing. It was so great to have Mio with me on this trip, everyone needs more Mio in their life, I think.

We ended up here at Lustgarten, drawn in by this amazing street musician. I could have stayed all afternoon (and would have, had we not had to go back to class). Somehow I tend to be very lucky with street musicians when I'm traveling, I never hear others talk about it as much.

And then, for our last class of the weekend, we had Vicci & Adamo.

I think this is my favorite photo I've ever taken of them. Vicci was reading a quote and Adamo was acting it out at the same time. :)

Afterwards I stayed to do some extra dancing with Chris - I needed to film my application for the Blues Experiment, and he was the perfect person to do that with. (Who is the perfect person to dance with in an application video? I don't actually know, since I've never done it before. But I wanted someone with whom I can be most like myself in dancing. So I asked Chris).

And then I sat down on the floor and talked with Annette for an hour or so - some things are worth prioritizing over sleep, you know?

Walking back to the hostel afterwards. Feeling like the luckiest person in the world. It is quite possible that I am.

Later, after sleep and dinner, Mio puts on her circus makeup (that was the theme of the night) on our way to the venue. :)

Bassy Club was lovely.

Vicci, dressed as the most adorable mime you'll ever see!

More dancing!

I got to spend so much time during the weekend with this lovely man. I know I've said it before but really, it is SO much better having your friends in London than in Melbourne.

Dan Nash, again.

And the morning after (we did manage to get a few hours of sleep) this cute couple and I went home to Gothenburg.

All in all, I'm just so, so happy. This weekend did so much to restore my faith in my blues dancing. And not just because i placed in a comp! It's so much more than that. It's the feeling of complete confidence on the dance floor and at the same time a joyful curiosity, knowing there's so much, so much more to learn, so many directions in which I can grow. So many wonderful dancers to connect with. It is the best feeling.

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