swingin' spring 2018: sunday

You know what I always say - the tea dance on Sunday is the best dance of any dance event. It's just so relaxed and unpretentious and pleasant. I get my best dances and my best photos at the tea dance.

There was insane fika. Because Sweden, and the world's best tea dance group.

This is not even staged - I said "hey, DJ's!" and Susanna and Felix looked up at me looking exactly like this. :)

And then like this. :)

Dress twins!

And skirt twins. :)


I love this photo even more just because I know that she's dancing with Liam, and I know exactly what it feels like to wear a face like this.

Thanks, Swingin' Spring organisers, for a brilliant weekend! See you next year.

Merit Hemmingson | Ack Göta konungarike

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