minor swing portraits

Minor Swing is the name of our lovely local balboa event in Gothenburg. It had a five year hiatus during the pandemic (here are some of my photos from last time, in 2019) but returned again this year and I had such a great time!

I wasn't the official photographer this time, and I didn't take any photos of dancing. But there was a preparty outside on Saturday evening (we had warm, summery weather all weekend and people were hanging out outside day and night - it was a delight), and the light was so tasty I just had to take some photos of some of the fabulous people that were there.

Like these crazy balboa lovers for example. :)

Ok, I did take a few dance photos I guess, but only these of Tove and Sebastian dancing outside. Balboa is a very practical dance in that it can take up very little floor space, so dancing on one of these wooden squares they'd laid out is enough.

Cuties & fellow local balboa teachers Marta and Elias.

Duncan and Miranda in their beautiful blouses

and Liam and Miranda, with and without mosquito attacks. :)

This one of Uli was actually taken at lunchtime rather than in the evening. Uli is a friend of mine from Berlin who I hadn't seen since before the pandemic and it was SO good to have him around for the weekend! We all know that dance friendships can be weird - you go so long without seeing each other and then suddenly, there they are again ... But with people like Ulrich, spending time catching up (and dancing!) at an event is always a joy.

And me and my love, of course. <3

Rikard From | the Sun of June

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