We went to Copenhagen last weekend! We went for Scandinavian Shuffle, which is a balboa event, but I didn't get to do much dancing. My tummy was restless and worried on Saturday evening and on Sunday, and dancing made it worse, so I just rested instead. But other than that, my weekend was lovely. Liam and I were hosted by our fabulous friends Alex and Patricia; here we are in their living room late Thursday night when we'd just arrived.
The day after, Liam worked remotely and I went to Louisiana. YAY for an afternoon at one of my favourite places on earth! More on that in another blog post.
Dancing! I haven't been doing much balboa lately - it comes and goes for me a bit - but I enjoyed the dances I did get.
Luxurious blueberry pancake brunch on Saturday morning. Miranda also joined which was lovely <3
I mean, just look at these - so good.
Also this? I've never seen anything like it before - it's essentially liquid stroopwafels? What's not to like.
Later that day we went for a little excursion through a foggy Copenhagen, to visit Miranda in her brand new house. But I didn't take any photos of that, just the way there.
And after dinner we went straight from there to dancing. Here's my gorgeous Copenhagen crew! I'm hoping to be back soon, but with less or preferably no stomach pain. Well, we've already booked passes for Copenhagen Lindy Exchange in May, so I actually know I'll be back relatively soon. :) And I'm already looking forward to it!
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