What are Rafi and Liam looking at?
Maybe this view?
Or maybe these rocks! As you are about to see, we were in a place with many rocks.
Brimham Rocks, more specifically!
And this is the lovely gentleman who brought us there on a daytrip, Raphael - or as he is more often called in the Ladström/ Craddock household, the babest of babes. I'm not even joking. Sometimes one of us thinks about Rafi and goes "Rafi really is the babest of babes" and the other person just agrees. He's just one of those disgustingly smart but still kind and humble people who's also a wonderful musician and dancer (both lead and follow obviously). Ridiculous.
Okay I'm gonna stop now as I'm actually not trying to marry Rafi off to someone, even though it may seem like it.
More rocks!
It was actually super cool to walk around the area and look at all these strange formations.
Liam made a new friend, of course.
And then we walked around some more
and looked at some more views. Though I could tell at this point that I'd been travelling for over two weeks and looking at beautiful nature and/ or interesting things every day, because I did get tired faster than at the start of the trip.
We went back to Rafi's for some rest, and then we went to Reliance for dinner with Hannah and Vincent, yay!
It was so great to spend an evening and reconnect with them. It's been so long!
Something I thought about during this dinner and actually all througout this roadtrip was how nice it is to hang out with non meat eaters. Back home very few of my close friends are veggie, but this time around in the UK, most people we stayed with are (which is interesting, as back when I lived in Manchester, I felt it was generally harder to be veggie in the UK than it is in Gothenburg). Not that my Swedish friends aren't accommodating - they really are, and they always make sure there is something tasty for me to eat, which I really appreciate (especially as I don't cook for them much, or at all, and they always go the extra mile for me) - but sometimes it's just really nice to be able to eat everything at a dinner table and not just some of the things. And going out to eat with people who also don't eat meat is just ... easier - knowing that someone else will share that responsibility when you choose a restaurant. And just that feeling of shared values, you know? It was really nice.
This chocolate pudding that I had for dessert was SO good. (So was my main course but I forgot to take a photo of it.)
Such a lovely Leeds evening! I'm so glad we got to hang out with these beautiful people.
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